For a start, I've had a very busy 2019 in
various unrelated ways, and a summer spent outdoors working in my garden has left
little time for keyboard musings.
But perhaps more sadly, I have felt somewhat disinclined to share too many thoughts online, when having in June attended an event* for people with diabetes from across Europe, sponsored by a medical device company, I witnessed an outbreak of online criticism levelled against “bloggers” and “advocates” (neither are terms that I
warm to or identify with - I’m just a person who enjoys writing and was encouraged by others to share my thoughts online)
It's easy to overstate the levels of
antagonism, but it is nevertheless sad to find oneself attacked by strangers
for taking opportunities in good faith, enjoying them and aspiring to use them
for the greater good, or for just sharing thoughts that others might enjoy reading. It was equally sad in late June to see similar criticism levelled at a
number of HCPs and people with diabetes who had been invited to a reception at
10 Downing Street, hosted by our T1D (former) Prime Minister. Again, there was
discourtesy and insensitivity on display, but I was encouraged to see the
supportive voices eventually outnumber critics in a big way.
So I have kept relatively quiet over the
summer, leaving blog posts and GBDoc tweetchats to others, but thought it was perhaps time to share some thoughts that I was
invited to deliver to a small group of people with diabetes (interestingly,
many drawn from the Instagram diabetes community, which to an extent exists in
a separate bubble from the Twitter and Facebook ones) at an event* organised by
BD needles last Saturday, to assess their starter packs for people starting
injection therapy.
So read on for a post adapted from my talk, as a committed MDI-er, on the continuing importance of
injecting, together with a bit of history of this easily taken for granted
I have lived with my unwanted friend
Type One diabetes for almost 22 years, as many readers will already know: I
developed the condition at the end of 1997, shortly after my fortieth birthday,
and have been fortunate enough to live well with diabetes throughout the
subsequent years.
Among the reasons for this is the
online diabetes community, which has brought me so many new friends and
opportunities in recent years. Like many others, I have learned and shared more
about diabetes in the past six years than I did through “official” channels in
the first sixteen.
However, any online community can
falsely magnify things, including the voices of those who choose to talk a lot.
One of the things that the online diabetes world most magnifies and therefore
exaggerates is the role and extent of technology in diabetes management.
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because the community is mainly the province of younger people (I use that term
very vaguely, meaning perhaps the under 40s), it can seem as if most people
with Type One use an insulin pump and some form of continuous glucose
monitoring system, and indeed that many of them are technophiles, busy working
on DIY closed loop systems.
Through my online interaction with
other Type 1s, I have seen and heard much about the benefits of pumps and DIY
closed loop systems, and I warmly applaud those who have driven progress in
this area. But it’s not for me. The fact remains that I, and 1000s like me, are
highly unlikely to be offered an insulin pump on the NHS, and quite frankly, I
remain unconvinced that the potential benefits are significant enough for me to
bother pursuing the matter.
The reality is that the overwhelming
majority of the UK’s 400 000 people with Type 1 (and a significant number of
those with Type 2) are treated with multiple daily injections: the surprisingly
vague national figures put the overall number using a pump in the UK at around
10%, with huge variations according to age group and geographical area.
Arguments rage about access or lack
of it to this technology, but the fact remains that for the foreseeable future,
injections will be the means of delivery of insulin for the vast majority of us.
So some very rough mathematics suggests that every day in the UK something between
1.5 and 2 million insulin injections are administered, the vast majority of
those done by the patients themselves - people with no medical qualification.
It’s mind-blowing when you stop and
think about that: up to 2 million instances every single day of a life-saving,
yet potentially dangerous and easily fatal substance being injected in homes,
workplaces, shops, schools, parks, on trains, boats and planes, in cafés and
restaurants, on barren mountain tops and on busy city streets, at all hours of
the day and night. There’s a heck of a lot of injecting going on out there, much
of it discreet and unseen.
So it’s pretty important that we get
it right!
Injecting has a pretty bad name.
For most people, it has associations with immunisations at school or with drug
addicts in bus shelters. Anyone with diabetes has experienced ridiculous
comments along the lines of:-
“Oh gosh, you are brave, I couldn’t
stand injecting myself”
To which we wearily respond:
“Erm, I think you would if the alternative was a slow and lingering
Like anyone, I wasn’t thrilled when back
in January 1998 I discovered that I would be sticking a needle in myself
several times a day for the rest of my life, but of course you get hardened to
it, usually in no time. However, far from fearing injections, I soon came to value them, and have never really had any issue, physical or mental, with administering them. But what do we know about injecting insulin?
Well, whilst we rightly honour Sir Frederick Banting for his discovery of insulin therapy in 1924, perhaps we
should also salute Irishman Francis Rynd,
Frenchman Charles Pravaz and above
all Scotsman Alexander Wood.
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Francis Rynd |
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Charles Pravaz |
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Alexander Wood |
Who? Well, whilst the concept of injecting (forcing liquids through a narrow tube) dates back thousands of years
(there is evidence that the ancient Egyptians knew about it), it is these three scientists who collectively are responsible for the invention of the hypodermic syringe in the mid nineteenth century.
This was less than 200 years ago, so we shouldn’t take that for granted any
more than insulin itself. I hadn’t heard of them until I started doing a little
research, and I bet few readers will have heard of them. Click on their names
above and Wikipedia will tell you more.
Injections of various kinds are
familiar to all of us, but of course familiarity breeds contempt, and like
almost anything that we do repeatedly and continuously, we who inject multiple
times a day become careless, take shortcuts and stray from what we were taught
as the ideal way of doing things. I have written about this in a previous post.
At the risk of sounding like a
repentant sinner at an American evangelical convention, I have to admit that I
am less than assiduous in following all of the generally accepted guidelines, and occasionally
neglectful of the entire lot. To my cost?
Well not exactly, but since learning
more about lipos (thanks to my lovely HCP colleagues on the FIT Board), I have
been carefully avoiding over-used sites, and guess what? My insulin sensitivity
has improved and my requirement has fallen, both quite significantly!
I genuinely think that
Lipohypertrophy is the Cinderella of diabetes issues. We PWD and those who care
for us are all so bothered about avoiding hypos, dealing with the uncomfortable
highs, pursuing elusive “flat lines”, over-reacting to the TMI that many of us
now get from our Libres and CGMs, that we overlook the insidious damage that we
are doing to our too-easy-to-reach tummies. And judging from my own experiences
and what I hear from others, checking our injection sites and advising on
injection technique are a frequently missing part of our consultations with
HCPs in clinic.
Perhaps it’s time we all started to
think rather more about injections. Whilst for those who don’t have to do it
regularly, injections are a rare and somewhat intimidating experience, for
those of us who do it multiple times daily, it seems almost too easy, taken too
much for granted. Perhaps we should all pay more attention to to technique, site rotation, size of needles etc.
For example, I spent the first 20 of my 22 years with diabetes using the 8mm needles
that were the norm back in 1998, blissfully unaware that current thinking among
HCPs is that 4mm are best for everyone, regardless of their BMI. And whilst my
eyes are screened annually, my feet jabbed at every visit, questions asked
about my “control”, my highs and lows etc., nobody has ever asked about, let
alone examined, my (frankly less than alluring) midriff.
So there you are: I stand before you
a longstanding disciple of injecting and a born-again advocate of good
injection technique. May I publicly thank my friends on the FIT Board for their
wise guidance and friendship, and I hope that we will perhaps all resolve to
move good technique just a little higher up the agenda.
And let's remember, “Someone saved my life tonight”. Well actually several someones have helped save our lives: as well as Banting, let's hear it for Messrs Rynd, Pravaz and Wood - the unsung
heroes of diabetes care?
There you go, there’s always a song
title! Thank you for reading.
In June 2019 I was invited by Abbott Healthcare to DX Lisbon, a gathering of people with diabetes from across Europe. My travel, accommodation and subsistence was paid for by Abbott.
In September 2019 I was asked to speak at Shaping BD, an event in Birmingham to assess an education pack for people starting on insulin injections. My travel and subsistence was paid for by BD.
In June 2019 I was invited by Abbott Healthcare to DX Lisbon, a gathering of people with diabetes from across Europe. My travel, accommodation and subsistence was paid for by Abbott.
In September 2019 I was asked to speak at Shaping BD, an event in Birmingham to assess an education pack for people starting on insulin injections. My travel and subsistence was paid for by BD.